
Design Challenge

Disclaimer: During my interview at BoomNation, I had the opportunity to do a design challenge =on improving their user experience to create various sections in order to seek trade jobs. I got the thumbs up from the VP of Product to showcase the work and the process that led to the final stop.




BoomNation is a workforce recruitment app that helps take control of your career by applying to the best trade jobs, boost your skills, & connect with other tradesmen online.


In the current experience within the BoomNation app (job section), users are relying on creating their own experience when they are searching for a new job.

As it is, a list view of jobs doesn't create any net positive for those in the trades industry and with the right prompts // flow, this can be more engaging.


Create a job home page with various sections that can be customized for an optimal user experience.


  • Miro
  • Figma
  • BoomNation App


  • User Research
  • Concepts
  • Visual Execution
  • Usability Testing



Job Search Constraints

Job seekers for tradesmen tend to feel a couple of feelings when they are looking for their next role. They can feel excited about the payoff of fulfilling the work. They can feel exhausted after a long day working as an electrical engineer. They can feel a little in-between if what they did was worth the effort to grow their skills.

Using Heuristic Evaluation, it's important to deep dive and understand why they create their own experiences within the app for BoomNation to holistically evaluate what is currently happening.

Using Filter
Toggling Map View
Looking for trade jobs
Sort to find newest jobs
Expand trade search
Find opportunities
Find pay scale
Find trades that I can commute
Expand toolbox of skills
Find specific trade industry
Pretty Good Overall
Like it; needs some tweaks
Could be improved
Good Hiearchy
Lacks innovation
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Move some sections for higher priority
Put it where it's not hidden
Add dates for when job was posted
Switch between grid // map view
Add sections for opportunities
Add how many applicants applied to the role in last hour
Hidden Gems

What can be done?

After looking into the experiences, let's follow up on opportunities to empathize the tradesmen who's looking into jobs within the trade industry.

Let's say the tradesmen identifies himself as a warehouse associate. What is making him struggle that he can't fully come to grips with? In this case below, I wanted to look into key findings within BoomNation's app that stood out.

Key Findings

Lacks standards in traditional trade search
Long scrolling trade jobs can be a hassle because it doesn't go back to where you left off from original search
Some features aren't fully utilized
Using the map view is hard to find
Doesn't provide the full scope for trade jobs
Lack of flexibility to find hidden gems in trade jobs within competitive market

Competitive Analysis

From here, it's important to look into competitive analysis and see certain features that stands out that can be used to implement for BoomNation's app.

After doing research, Tradehounds & Hammr are the two standouts for what can be learned & extracted.


Trade Hounds

Trade Hounds is built for hardworking skilled tradespeople to showcase your craft or connect with others.


Engaging feed
User experience is responsive


Finding trades is extremely difficult within app
When you search, it only populates posts // people


Hammr is the place where construction trades come together to network, share, and find work.


Has sections to select between following // explore
Gives everyday tradesmen ability to showcase work


Search only utilizes people; no trade jobs to find
App icons are enlarged

User Persona

In the user persona, meet Timo Miroshnichenko. Timo is in his 30's who loves being a warehouse associate.

He has good attention to detail and likes the repetitive work that's being associated to the role. He also thinks it's helped him keep in shape because the work is engaging and rewarding when the hard work pays off.

Timo Miroshnichenko

Hard Worker
Age: 30
Occupation: Warehouse Associate
Status: Single
Location: Austin, TX
Experience: Middle-Tier
"I hope I can find my next trade job & utilize it in a way where there are opportunities that I don't know about."

Pain Points

Often times using other competitors products doesn't provide me adequate intel to find what i'm exactly looking for when i'm job searching. It's nice to see work from other tradesmen that are genuine and real behind the scenes progress that you don't see in the public view and interact with others.


I want to find an app where I can not only have a feed to follow other tradesmen, but I also want an opportunity to find work that can allow me to independently grow as a contractor through the trade industry & showcase my skills in what I can bring to the table.

User Story

After showcasing Timo and introducing himself, here, you can see what Timo is looking for in his next product he would like to download in his app:

" As a warehouse associate, I would like to search for skill-related jobs to help save time navigating through listings & expand my horizons. "

OK, no problem Timo! We'll make sure to keep this in mind ๐Ÿ‘

Prioritized Tasks

Based on the above research, it's extremely important to build on the ideas and foundation used to design with integrity and thoughtfulness.

Here are the six features that will be examined through wireframing between iterating on the image banner, search bar, top trades, recommended trades, filter updates, and map // list view.

Image Banner

Have it placed at the top of the screen for visual interest and personalized name.

Search Bar

Search opens a list of view for jobs based on keyword search.

Top Trades

Highlight top trades whether they are trending in the market or trades that match more BoomNation jobs on the platform.

Recommended Trades

This can be trades that align with member's profile based on their primary trade they are looking for.

Filter Updates

Move trade // industry section higher in the filter for better visibility.

Map // List View

Move map icon while it is shown in the search bar on the opposite list so users can switch views based on their preference and vise versa.




Wireframes are a good way to experiment what works and what doesn't. Having a good user experience and a good visual design is the equivalent of dancing in a rhythm.

The design system wasn't fully utilized in a way where I was given icons to download, so it was very important to me that the same general, cohesive look was matched within BoomNation's style.

Overall, this was a great way to showcase that progress in designing the primary objectives that needed to be addressed for BoomNation's app.



Current Experience

Current Experience for Job Page Search

With the current experience, Timo doesn't have the flexibility and it is just a long list of jobs that's stagnant.

Current Experience for Sort & Filter

With the current experience, the list &ย map view is contained within the filter section, so for someone like Timo, it's hidden and takes two clicks to follow through.

Current Experience for Map View

For the current experience in viewing the map view, this can create some friction for Timo because turning off the map view means you have to go to the filter to flip it back to grid view.

Current Experience Viewing Trades

For the current experience, trade jobs are stacked together and infinite. If Timo were to find that specific trade listing and goes back, he has to start the viewing experience all over again.

Current Experience Viewing Trades

Again, for someone like Timo, the current experience doesn't provide what is matching in his profile.

New Experience

New Experience for Job Page Search

With the new experience, Timo has the ability to find flexibility in searching his next trade role that's more refreshing.

New Experience for Sort & Filter

With the new experience, this gives a more traditional look that will help Timo find his next trade role. The ability to also see "Trade & Industry" and moving that up helps too.

New Experience for Map View

For the new experience, the map view is clear to find and now, Timo can use it as a toggle to turn on the map view, expand his search horizon, and see if the trade role is commutable.

New Experience Viewing Trending Trades

For the new experience, Timo can utilize the search and filter option with the trending tab and see the latest trade jobs that are in high demand where tradesmen are applying.

New Experience Viewing Recommended Trades

For the new experience, Timo can utilize what is recommended to him based on his profile. There's also the search and filter option to utilize what he is exactly looking for.



What Could've Been Done Differently

After reflecting on what could be done differently, there was one feature that stood out that could be improved upon.

For editing profile, this could be improved by making it clickable. With the personalized name and a dropdown arrow next to the image, this will give users the ability to edit their profile or log off their session for the app.

The name adds another element as it's more personalized so it helps give users a better connection to feel engaged on the platform.

New iteration designed in Figma
Screenshot from iPhone SE

Usability Testing

As always, below are some general feedback that can be continued to iterate and scale BoomNation as a product to make business profitable and the demand for tradesmen to find their next trade role:

Biggest Takeaways

  • Like the map toggle between viewing experiences!
  • The search adds a new layer of dimension between finding trending roles & what's being recommended to me based on my profile for what i'm looking for in my next role.
  • It is extremely well done!

Biggest Improvements

  • Font sizes are a tad small to see on some trade listings
  • Having profile on top floating is strange. Would be ideal to make it clickable or placed in a space where I know I can edit my profile or log off session using the app.

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